Hilton Head Island’s Premier Yoga Studio
New Students
There are many different styles of yoga. Some styles are fast paced and vigorous while others are very gentle and slow-moving. All of the styles of yoga have benefits, so evaluating your individual needs and personality type will help point you in the right direction. Read the descriptions of the styles of yoga offered at Jiva Yoga Center.
Brings balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit.
Helps with strength, flexibility range of motion and balance
Calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety
Revitalizes the body and mind
Slows heart rate
Lowers blood pressure
Increases circulation
Strengthens and tones muscles
Helps to detoxify system
Improves function of internal organs
Balances muscular system
Increases metabolism and energy
Can help reduce depression, stress and insomnia
Over the years, we’ve learned a lot from our thousands of first-time students! We’re committed to your enjoyment and satisfaction of your yoga experience at Jiva Yoga Center. One of the first questions we are asked is “what classes should I sign up for?”
We suggest beginning students, elders, and pregnant women choose from the following selection of beginner-friendly classes.
Suggested Classes:
Yoga Basics Workshops (when available)
Align & Flow
Slow Flow Deep Stretch
Gentle, Stretch & Restore
Stretch & Mobility
Gentle Yoga
These classes are designed to expose you to a variety of classes and benefits of practicing at Jiva Yoga Center. From here, we’ll help you grow your practice with intermediate and advanced classes and workshops.
Yoga for the Advanced Practitioner:
Our classes are designed for all levels. While modification options are offered for less-advanced students, our instructors will offer more advanced variations so all students can discover their growing edge. We offer vigorous and challenging styles such as Ashtanga influenced, Jiva Flow, and any of the WARM classes.
Whether you have taken a thousand classes or you are considering taking your first class, we want you to come to yoga prepared to practice, ready to learn and willing to explore.
What should you expect at Jiva Yoga?
Great people. Great energy. Great yoga. The first time you come to the studio, arrive 15 minutes early. This will give you time to register at the front desk, fill out a waiver, and get prepared for class. We suggest you wear comfortable clothing, have an open mind and consider taking one of our Yoga Basics Workshops (when available). These workshops are structured for your success in learning the breath and basic poses.
What will you need?
On your first visit to Jiva Yoga, bring your mat or, if you do not have your own yoga mat, we have yoga mats for sale or to rent at the studio. You may want to bring a towel if you plan on going into a warm class – the sweatier you get, the more slippery your mat will become. With a mat and a towel, you’re good to go into any class!
Most importantly, come to the studio with an open mind and an open heart. Give yourself time to get familiar with the yoga practice. Like any new activity, it will take a few classes to get familiar with the new poses you are learning, the new muscles you are discovering, and the new language you will be hearing. The more you come, the more natural the yoga practice will become. You will get stronger with every practice, physically and mentally.
To make your registration process stress-free, please create a profile via Mindbody Online.
Make it part of your yoga practice to arrive early. Getting to class 15 minutes early gives you time to sign in, relax and prepare to practice. We understand that situations occur; however, arriving late to class can be disruptive to others. If you come late, please prepare yourself for class at the door and have your mat ready to unroll quietly as you enter the room.
Remove your shoes before entering the studio. Help us keep the studio clean!
Please turn off cell phones before entering the studio, all the way off… we can hear it vibrating during class.
Bring a mat, towel and water to class. All items are available for purchase in our Boutique.
Read class descriptions and take the class that’s appropriate for your level of experience. You will enjoy your class more and maximize the benefits.
Tell your teacher about any injuries or special health conditions that might affect your practice. We can suggest modifications and help you enjoy your practice more.
Practice good hygiene and avoid wearing scents.
Keep your gear fresh and clean. From your yoga clothing to your mat and yogi toes, regular cleaning is appreciated. Writing your name on your mat and/or yogi toes will help you identify it if you lose it or forget it in the studio.
Wipe up your “liquid energy” (also called sweat). After class, pick up and neatly put away blocks and straps.
Speak in hushed tones before and after class. Be mindful of the volume of your conversations.
Savasana is essential to your practice. If you must leave before class ends, allow yourself a few minutes in Savasana to seal in the benefits of your shortened practice.
The most important thing…enjoy yourself and have fun with your yoga practice!
What should I bring?
Please bring a mat, sweat towel, and water bottle to class or buy one from us. We rent mats and sweat towels in studio.
What time should I get there?
First timers, please arrive 15 min prior to class, or create a profile online, to expedite the check-in process.
How do I get in touch/where are you located?
Click here for directions.
P: (843)247-45499
How do I register for a class?
Classes are on a first-come, first-serve basis and fill up fast so it's a good idea to reserve a class online. Click here to save your spot.
How do I book a private yoga session?
Click here to learn more and submit your inquiry for private yoga. We’ll be in touch with all the details soon!
Do you have any special offers?
Click here to view our packages and pricing.
Visiting Yogis
Welcome to Hilton Head Island!
We enjoy sharing our passion for yoga with visitors to the Lowcountry.
Our Hilton Head Island Yoga Studio is conveniently located on the south end of the island near the Sea Pines Circle.
Be sure to create a Mindbody account online and register for class before arriving, or use the Mindbody App!